Friday, September 18, 2009

Free Tickets For Maricopa County Home Show - September 25-27, 2009 AZ State Fairgrounds, Trades Unlimited, Inc.

The Maricopa County Home Show at the AZ State Fairgrounds is coming up next week, and HouseTalk is giving away free home show tickets! All you have to do is tune in to HouseTalk tomorrow morning, Saturday, September 18 on KKNT960 AM and call in to the given number between 10 and noon.

Tomorrow's show will be open phones for any projects for which you need guidance. When you call the show or to the number given on the air for your free tickets, remember to ask for your FREE guides that have been written especially for YOU, the homeowner.

Why have I written guidebooks for you? Let me explain: In the 8+ years of hosting HouseTalk, I have gotten some calls that were cries for help. These cries were a result of people somehow, some way ending up in a very bad situation in regards to satisfactorily getting some work completed in their homes. I have seen situations such as room additions framed and abandoned, bad window installations that left homeowners with multiple water leaks, roofs that failed prematurely, bathrooms left gutted, and way too much more! The point is, of course there are great contractors out there, but there are also some that are not so great. How do you figure out which contractor to hire?

There are three FREE guides, so specify which one you want: Roofing, Window Replacement, or Remodeling.

Welcome again to the HouseTalk show; we'll talk on the air!

See you on the show!
