Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Replacement Glass – Is it all the Same?

Replacement glass experts know that glass isn't just glass.  Different types of glass are suitable for different projects, depending on the location and use of the glass. Starting with windows, you might want to consider Low Emissivity (Low E) glass for windows to save on energy costs.  This type of glass is coated with a virtually invisible layer of metal or metallic oxide that can result in energy loss reduction of 30-50%.  In our climate, the Low E coating would be on the exterior side of the window glass, keeping the sun’s heat out.  Different types of Low E glass are available based on how much solar gain you want to allow – low, moderate or high.  Tinted glass is another choice for windows that get a lot of hot desert sun.  The tint will reduce the light in the room, so keep that in mind when choosing your window glass.

Tempered glass has been treated with heat to withstand force and increase the impact resistance of the glass.  It is used for tables, doors and windows.  This type of glass does not break into shards, but rather into small fragments that are not as sharp and likely to injure someone.  Tempered glass must be cut to size, and then tempered to maintain its strength.  Laminated glass is actually two thin pieces of glass bonded together with a layer of plastic, which holds the glass together in the case of breakage.  Both of these types of glass qualify as safety glass, which is required by Arizona building code in most windows in shower areas and also any window located with 24” of and entry door or walking surface.

Knowing the type of glass that’s best for your project or replacement needs is the first step in getting the job done right