Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Home Maintenance Reminders

Although we’re well into winter conditions here in Arizona, it’s not too late to do some simple winter maintenance checks around the house. With the recent cold temperatures, you might want to check your outdoor water sources like hose bibs. You can pick up an inexpensive insulating cover to prevent freezing, or turn off the water supply to the outside fixture, and turn the fixture on to allow any water to drain. Drain and remove hoses as well, and store them inside for the remainder of the cold weather.

Remember to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries as needed. Even if you’ve had your heater serviced in preparation for the winter, check that your vents are open and unobstructed. If you have less frequently used rooms, you can partially close the vents to save energy and focus on heating your main living areas. And remember to change those air filters frequently to keep your HVAC system running efficiently.

Check fire extinguishers to make sure they are fully charged, and turn them upside down to loosen up the dry chemicals inside. If you have any concerns about your fire extinguishers or if they are older, you can have them professionally inspected.

Another area that benefits from a winter inspection is insulation in attics and crawl spaces. Check for sagging fiberglass insulation panels, which can leave spaces where cold air can enter the home. You can fix small gaps with duct tape, but larger sagging areas should be examined for potential moisture problems.

A few simple maintenance tasks should get you through the remainder of our short winter, and keep your home in top condition.