Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Year is a Great Time to Flush Your Hot Water Heater

Did you know that flushing your hot water heater annually is recommended maintenance and could save you some major headaches and water damage down the road? Many homeowners rely on their hot water heaters to perform day in and day out for years without considering that the heater might need some basic maintenance. Flushing the heater removes sediment and bacteria from your tank, which can lead to displaced hot water volume and excess wear and tear on the tank.

Flushing your hot water heater is a simple process that should take only an hour or two, once a year. Here are the steps to easy hot water heater maintenance:

1.  Turn off electric heaters at the breaker box and turn gas heaters
     to pilot setting.

2.  Attach a hose to the drain valve near the bottom of the heater
     and run the hose outside, away from the house. Remember the
     water that will drain out is hot!

3.  Shut off the cold water inlet valve at the top of the heater.
     Before opening the drain valve, go inside and turn on one of
     your hot water  faucets and let it run. This will prevent a
     vacuum from forming.

4.  Open the drain valve and let the hot water out of the tank.
     Once the tank has drained, open the inlet valve and add
     more water to flush the tank.

5.  Once the water coming out of the hose is clear, you can
     close the drain valve and remove the hose, and turn off
     the faucet in the house.

6.  Allow the tank to fill again with clean water and then
    turn your power or gas back on to heat up the water.

7.  Once the water in the tank is heated up, it’s a good idea
     to check the pressure release valve according to the

This simple New Year’s maintenance job can save you on heating costs and save on costly repairs to your tank. Inspecting the tank yearly will also alert you to any rust or wear on the outside of the tank that might lead to problems.