Friday, August 21, 2009

Federal Energy Tax Credits - HouseTalk - August 8, 2009

Hour Two today was open phones. Federal Energy Tax Credits. These are credits, different than deductions, for 30% of the cost of the eligible product up to and aggregate limit of $1500 for tax years 2009 and 2010. One service Trades Unlimited offers that qualifies for that Federal Energy Tax Credit is window and door replacement. They must both have U factor of .3 or lower and a solar heat gain coefficient of .3 or lower. For more information on U factors and solar heat gain coefficient go to and download the window guide or call 480-483-1775 and Trades Unlimted will mail it to you. This is a tax credit which means you'll receive an additional $1500 on your tax return.

If any of you want the snail mail newsletters or the email newsletter, go to and you can sign up for that. You'll see also that you can download Trades Unlimited's FREE Remodeling, Roofing and Windows guides. These are FREE and customers love them!

People replace windows for various reason including energy efficiency, comfort, aesthetics or looks, operation, security, noise reduction. Go to the site to download the FREE window guide for more information on that.